Program Description
Event Details
We may not always understand the plan or will of God and what He allows in our lives; however, there is hope on the other side of every trial life has to offer! "Journey of Faith, Challenges, and Courage" is the testimony of how one's character can be shaped through life events - good or bad. The voice of this beautiful matriarch, Alma Gilliam, exudes warmth, faith, strength, and courage through every page as she chronicles some of the most impactful life events she has endured. As she shares her testimony of triumph over racism, loss, and unfathomable pain, you will cry, you will laugh, you will rejoice, but most importantly you will be inspired to believe that God's hand will carry you through any life challenge if you just choose faith!
Alma will be at the Bethel Park Public Library from 1pm-3pm for a book signing event.
Proceeds benefit Meals on Wheels Bethel Park, Light of Life Mission and Feed the Children.